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Pepper Spray & Mace Info Information On Pepper Spray & Mace

Before buying pepper spray, here are some questions you need to consider:

Are you prepared to use it? Have you mentally prepared yourself to use it? Is it in a convenient location? Do you know how to use it? Finally, but most importantly, have you taken safeguards that would reduce the probability you would need it?

Using pepper spray techniques

1. How to Spray Your Pepper Canister
Exactly how do I spray my pepper spray? If you have to use your pepper spray make sure you have distance between you and the threat if at all possible. Aim the spray at the eyes and facial region of the threat then release a 1 to 2 second burst of spray. After you have done this MOVE out of the way but keep your eyes on the threat. Pepper spray ingredients can take a couple of moments to cause a reaction and by watching the reactions of the threat you will be able to determine if you will require another shot of pepper spray.
'How to Spray Your Pepper Canister' Questions?

2. Keep Your Eyes Open When Firing Pepper Spray
What are mistakes that I don´t want to make when I use pepper spray? Don´t ever shut your eyes! You may have to correct your aim slightly. You should shoot the spray for 2 to 3 seconds, nether a short squirt nor a long drenching. After shooting your pepper spray, the assailant will normally stop within seconds, blinded and virtually helpless due to uncontrollable coughing spasms. Once the assailant disables, stop spraying. Continue backing and concentrate on getting away!
'Keep Your Eyes Open When Firing Pepper Spray' Questions?

3. Effective Use of Pepper Spray
What is the most effective use of my pepper spray? One of the keys to effective use of pepper spray is timing and recognizing a potential threat and knowing when it becomes an assault! Exactly when you bring a pepper spray to bear on an assailant can be critical to the outcome of a situation. First you have to make sure the pepper spray is readily available and, second, through practice you can bring it to bear on the assailant quickly and accurately.
'Effective Use of Pepper Spray' Questions?

4. When All You Can Do Is Get Your Pepper Spray Out
What is the most basic way to use pepper spray? Obviously you may not have time to shoot the pepper spray in such a textbook way. You may not have time to do anything but bring the spray up and start shooting. If that´s the case, don´t worry about aiming correctly, or even correcting aim. JUST SHOOT!
'When All You Can Do Is Get Your Pepper Spray Out' Questions?

5. Practice is the Best Pepper Spray Technique
Do I need to practice using my pepper spray? It is vital that you give some thought in advance to how you will carry your pepper spray canister. Consider carrying the device in the same place whenever possible. That way, you won´t have to think, "where is it today?" in the heat of the moment. Try various carrying methods and practice drawing the weapon. Make sure you can draw your pepper spray quickly from wherever you´re keeping it. Good, accessible locations include inside a pants pocket, especially for the models with a clip.
'Practice is the Best Pepper Spray Technique' Questions?

6. Catch Your Attacker by Surprise
Should I catch my attacker by surprise with my pepper spray? When used by surprise, pepper spray is an excellent distraction, allowing you time to get away.
'Catch Your Attacker by Surprise' Questions?

7. Other Pepper Spray Technique Tips
What are some other good pepper spray technique tips? If someone is attempting to attack you, always move off the line of force before spraying. Deliver the pepper spray by in a few short bursts of a second or so each in an "X" or "Z" pattern. You cannot always count on your target staying still and spraying in a pattern will help you hit the target. Then get out of there, and once you are safe, contact the police and report the attack. You want your description of the attack to be the first one they hear.
'Other Pepper Spray Technique Tips' Questions?

8. Where to Aim Your Pepper Spray
How do I aim my pepper spray? Pepper spray should be directed at the assailants face at close range either in a stream, spray or mist and never sprayed wildly at a crowd. The technique to using is simple - keep following the head and keep spraying.
'Where to Aim Your Pepper Spray' Questions?

9. Don´t Stick Your Hand Way Out When Firing
What is important not to do when using pepper spray? Never thrust your shooting hand out in front of you towards the assailant. He or she may react quickly and hit your hand aside or grab it! As you shoot, back up and continue backing up away from the assailant. This gives you a little more time and draws the assailant into the pepper spray. Good training.
'Don´t Stick Your Hand Way Out When Firing' Questions?

10. Basic Pepper Spray Shooting Technique
What is a basic pepper spray shooting technique? When you´re ready to shoot the pepper spray, go into a slight crouch with your weight evenly balanced on both feet, if you have the chance. Thrust your non-shooting hand straight out in front of you. At the same time, shout "STOP" as loud as you can. As you´re doing this raise your shooting hand with the pepper spray to eye level approximately 6 inches in front of your chin, aim over your outstretched arm and hand, and shoot toward the assailant´s face and head area.
'Basic Pepper Spray Shooting Technique' Questions?

11. Timing Your Pepper Spray is So Important
Is timing important when using pepper spray? There´s much more to using pepper spray than point and shoot! Remember, don´t raise, point, and shoot the spray until you´re ready to fire. Wait until the assailant is in range and you know the spray will hit him full in the face area and incapacitate him! The objective is to surprise him or her before they can have a chance to react or think.
'Timing Your Pepper Spray is So Important' Questions?

12. Shout STOP When You Use Pepper Spray
Should I say anything when I use my pepper spray? Shouting "STOP" creates a slight diversion. Raising your arm outstretched toward the assailant may cause his immediate attention to be focused on that hand, not the one with the pepper spray. This gives you time to shoot the spray before the assailant can react.
'Shout STOP When You Use Pepper Spray' Questions?

13. Use Pepper Spray Fanning Technique
What is fanning my pepper spray? Fanning is a pepper spray technique for hitting your mark. You spray the stream then move your dispersions path from side to to side until yon hit your mark! The stream also provides the heaviest blast of pepper (cans will empty faster). 

We want you to buy one and be safe, but we REALLY REALLY want you to be safe too by knowing how to use the pepper spray when you need to use it. Wont it be terrible to try and fail to use it in the heat of the moment?

So first lets look at what pepper spray is, and then we will talk about what it takes to own pepper spray.

Ok so what is Pepper Spray?
Pepper spray is a non-lethal aerosol spray made with the pepper derivative oleorsein capiscum (OC). It is used to cause temporary blindness and incapacitate an attacker. You should only use pepper spray if you are threatened or your life is in danger. DO NOT USE pepper spray for any malicious acts. It is a crime to do that. A good pepper spray will put an attacker down and out, allowing you to escape or take control of the situation. Some brands of pepper spray will leave an invisible chemical on the attacker which will help police identify them. Read through our selection of sprays for the most appropriate one for you.
When you buy pepper spray, take a look at the expiration date. You will need to buy a new can when it expires. Most sprays last for about 2 years.

Is there a difference between tear gas and pepper spray?
There is a bit of a difference between pepper spray and tear gas. Pepper spray is considered to be more effective than tear gas for several reasons. First, the reaction to pepper spray is involuntary, meaning it works on everyone, even if they feel no pain. Second, while pepper spray needs to be sprayed into the eyes or inhaled to be effective, it will not vaporize as tear gas does. Third, pepper spray works quicker than mace, and also wears off quicker. Tear gas chemical residue can actually last for days. So pepper spray is a more effective and better spray than tear gas, especially for civilian use.
Users of OC repeatedly acknowledge its advantages over tear gas. They appreciate that it ensures immediate compliance yet does not emit fumes. They like its safety. They report that it works even on people under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and on highly agitated or motivated individuals.

How does pepper spray work?
Pepper spray is an inflammatory agent. When the spray comes into contact with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, throat and lungs), it causes immediate dilation of the capillaries. Temporary blindness and instant inflammation of the nose, throat and lungs will occur immediately after the spray comes into contact with the mucous membranes. The attacker will experience difficulty breathing, coughing, choking, sneezing, severe burning sensations to the eyes, nose, throat and skin, and nausea. The inflammation will last from 15 to 60 minutes.

Now what does it take to own pepper spray?

Be mentally prepared to use it
In order for any weapon to be effective you must be mentally prepared to use it. There are many people who cannot intentionally inflict pain on another person--even to defend themselves. If you are one of those people, you should not carry pepper spray or a weapon of any kind.

To be mentally prepared you need to visualize the worst situation you could ever be in, determine your course of action for that situation, and visualize carrying it out. You must make the commitment to use pepper spray ahead of time so you do not second guess yourself when you need it. Being mentally prepared gives you the edge and the confidence to be a survivor. Not being mentally prepared sets you up for failure. Police officers practice this time after time. You should too.
It is similar to always taking a mental note of an exit area and exit strategy. Some people train themselves to always know what to do, where to go, and how to get there incase of emergency. This is always a good safety strategy when you go somewhere you are new to.

Plan Ahead.
So where do you store your pepper spray when you carry it? Is it in a convenient location? Pepper spray will be of no value sitting in the bottom of your purse or bag. It is only useful if it’s readily available the moment you need it. It should be on your key chain or somewhere that makes it easily accessible. So make sure when you carry it, it is readily accessible to you.

"A tool is only as good as the person who uses it." Do you know how to use it? Does it have a thumb depression that allows you to aim it? Pepper spray may not be effective in controlling an assailant under windy conditions or if it is aimed the wrong way. In a small percent of cases, the spray has no other effect on the predator other then to make him mad. Do you have an alternate plan?

Do I need to practice using my pepper spray? It is vital that you give some thought in advance to how you will carry your pepper spray canister. Consider carrying the device in the same place whenever possible. That way, you won´t have to think, "where is it today?" in the heat of the moment. Try various carrying methods and practice drawing the weapon. Make sure you can draw your pepper spray quickly from wherever you´re keeping it. Good, accessible locations include inside a pants pocket, especially for the models with a clip.

Safety Record

Both tear gas and pepper sprays have exceptionally good safety records. The U.S. Army reports that CS has never been implicated in a human death despite years of use. In addition, no substantiated deaths have been reported following the use of pepper or tear gas sprays by civilians. Information from several law enforcement agencies indicates a significant drop in injuries in police departments that use defensive chemical sprays. For example,
In a 1990-1992 study conducted by the Portland, Maine, police department, subjects in reported force incidents were injured in 69% of the situations, and officers were injured in 31%. Since they began using pepper spray there have been 226 reported force incidents. Only 12% of the subjects and 12% of the officers were injured during these situations.
While tear gas and pepper sprays have excellent safety records, they are weapons. Proper training is strongly recommended, both to increase the effectiveness of defensive sprays when used for self-defense and to minimize the potential for injury or accident exposure.

Pepper Spray Dispersion Methods

Forced cone:
This is a variation on the popular cone type and is the best in most situations. It is a fine mist that comes out in a forceful spray pattern usually at distances from 8 to 12 feet. In the latest generation of dispensing actuators, the mist is made up of super-fine droplets of pepper solution. These droplets help to minimize blow-back of pepper formula on you while the mist (looks like a heavy fog) penetrates the attacker's skin pores and mucous membranes for an experience they will not soon forget!. This pattern actually spreads out to a width of approximately 2 feet at its maximum distance. This pattern covers the whole face and is absorbed into the mucus membrane with hot pepper causing the eyes to seal with tears, nose to run, excessive coughing, shortness of breath, etc.

This type of spray pattern is great for multiple attackers, crowd control, bears and home use. One disadvantage is there can be some blow-back of pepper contaminating you, especially if used outdoors. However, the blast you would receive and the direct blast the attacker receives are quite different. Where you would tear and cough on a good sized blow-back, the attacker would be rendered incapacitated for about 30 minutes. You pull the trigger or release button, and "fan" your path back and forth hitting everything in its path. Picture a mini fire extinguisher! The pepper works instantly. Causes the eyes to seal with tears, nose to run, excessive coughing, shortness of breath, etc.

Foam: This type is excellent for blow-back protection and immediate saturation. EXAMPLE: If it is windy, you can spray this with minimum to no pepper blow-back contaminating you. A common misconception is that the attacker, once sprayed with the foam can just wiped it away and continue to attack. This Pepper Foam is like thick, sticky saving cream but with one addition... 5.3 million Scoville Heat Units of blistering hot pepper. He will try to wipe it off but it will be to late. The pepper works instantly. Causes the eyes to seal with tears, nose to run, excessive coughing, shortness of breath, etc.
This type is a variation on the widely distributed stream type. Very effective at hitting multiple attackers, hitting them in the dark, in tight areas, e.g., through your partially opened car window, and helps with aim. The solid stream (similar to the water guns sold today) will blast an attacker with super-hot pepper! Through a partially opened car window you have minimum misting action that can contaminate you. If you miss, or the attacker was in a hard- to-reach area, you can "fan" this spray during discharge. Fanning is a technique for hitting your mark. You spray the stream then move your dispersions path from side to to side until yon hit your mark! The stream also provides the heaviest blast of pepper (cans will empty faster). The pepper works instantly. Causes the eyes to seal with tears, nose to run, excessive coughing, shortness of breath, etc.

Is Pepper Spray Legal?
Pepper spray is legal in all 50 states in the U.S. However, possession and/or use may be regulated or prohibited by law in some jurisdictions. Please read our STATE LAWS section for more information about pepper spray legality. If you have questions about the legality of pepper spray where you live, check with your local police department.

Legislative Issues
The following persons may not purchase/carry/use Pepper Spray products:
i. Persons convicted of a felony or any crime involving an assault under the laws of the United States, of the State of California, or any other state, government, or country. Any person convicted of misuse of Pepper Spray.
ii. Persons addicted to any narcotic drug.
iii. Persons under the age of 18 (persons 16 or older may carry Pepper Spray with the written consent of their parent or guardian).

Where is Pepper Spray Prohibited?
Pepper Spray may not be carried on a plane, even for self-defense purposes.You may not be allowed to carry pepper spray into Federal buildings and State buildings.

In addition to commercial aircraft, this applies to:
Privately owned and operated aircraft
To persons who attempt to ship Pepper Spray in luggage
To the area from the security gate to the air craft gate
Carrying Pepper Spray aboard an airplane is a federal offense. The following are possible sanctions for this violation:

A civil penalty of up to $10,000
An additional criminal fine of up to $25,000
In addition to the civil penalty and criminal fine, you could also be sent to federal prison for up to five years

What to Do IMMEDIATELY After Using Your Spray
Get out of the area! Run in the opposite direction of your attacker if possible.
When you are safe, tell your local law enforcement agency about the attack.
This is very important because it may help police apprehend the attacker, and prevent attacks on others.

First Aid and Decontamination Procedures
If you are accidentally sprayed, or if someone else is sprayed accidentally, the following are some first aid procedures that may help:

Avoid panic.
Do not rub the face. This will aggravate the pain already being experienced.
The best immediate treatment is to expose the person to fresh air, a breeze if possible. A fan can also be used.
Flush the affected area with cool water either from the tap or a garden hose.
Clean the affected area with non-oil or cold cream based soap. Do not use salves or greases on exposed area because it will trap Pepper Spray particles or OC resin onto the skin.
If eyes are exposed, flush copiously with cool, fresh water for 15 minutes.
If you wear contact lenses, remove them carefully once hands are thoroughly clean.
An ophthalmic examination should be performed by a physician if irritation or pain persists after 15 minutes of flushing with water.
Clothing which is contaminated with Pepper Spray should be removed immediately and, if indoors, placed in a sealed plastic bag or container
Persons assisting the subject should wear rubber gloves to avoid residual contamination.
If any irritation or pain persists after decontamination procedures, a physician should examine the exposed area.

History of Pepper Spray
The use of chemical weapons dates back thousands of years. In 428 BC Spartans burned wood saturated with pitch and sulfur to create toxic fumes. Also around that time the Chinese filled bags with pepper and spices to fling at their enemies. In 1721 Charles XII used smoke to screen his river crossing. In 1864 the Germans first discovered and used CN tear gas (chloroacetophenone), a non-lethal tearing agent that could incapacitate humans for short periods of time with no lasting effects. In 1928 a different tear gas (orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile) was developed by B.B. Corson and R.W. Stoughton, the two scientists from whom it takes its nickname "CS." Law enforcement agencies began using tear gas after World War II, especially as a riot control agent, and it is still in use today. Oleoresin capsicum spray was developed at the University of Georgia by Professor James H. Jenkins and Dr. Frank Hayes, D.V.M., in 1960. That formula under the brand name Halt Animal Repellant was first sold in 1963. Like tear gas, oleoresin capsicum (OC) is non-lethal and induces temporary incapacitation with no known long-term effects. In 1989 the Firearms Training Unit (FTU) of the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, completed three years of intensive research on OC, following which the FBI authorized the use of OC for its special agents and SWAT teams. In addition, OC has proven effective against domestic and wild animals without endangering the animals or the environment. OC, in proper dispensing systems, has been successfully used to stop grizzly bear attacks in Alaska and pit bull dog attacks in California and Texas. The US Postal Service also issues OC to its letter carriers to protect them from dog bites. Although defensive sprays had some limited distribution to the general public as far back as the 1960s, OC sprays did not become widely distributed to the general public until around 1988.

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